Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Ooopps got behind.

November 12 - Today I am thankful for snow days.  We didn't have one snow day all last year and we were super excited to get one this year.  What a great day for hanging out in a warm house and playing all day long.

November 13 - Today I am thankful for family dinners.  We don't get together every birthday like we used to...only because our schedules all pull us in different directions, but when we do it is still so much fun.  Like this night for Papa, Carri and Emily's birthday (Dane's girlfriend).

November 14 - Today I am thankful for Carri.  She is such a great addition to Tadd's life and the wonderful mother to my amazing nieces...oh yeah and SHE SAID YES!  I don't think anything will ever show up on Facebook being as though they are both so quiet - but Carri showed up sporting a heck of an ice skating rink on a very important finger.  No official plans yet on date and what not but exciting none the less.

November 15 - Today I am thankful for Grandparents day.  Even though I am positive last year was even more magical to have both Grandmas in town - this year I got to be there.  So I was very thankful for that.

November 16 - Today I am thankful for steam cleaners.  The whole family got the stomach flu and since we have so many little people that don't quite know how to clean up after themselves I had a lot of laundry and a lot of steam cleaning to do over the next four days.

November 17 - Today I am thankful for Summer - she just cracks me up and I was so bummed to cancel going to her birthday party - but I thought it best not to pass the stomach flu around.

November 18 - Today I am thankful for board games on a Sunday.  Chewy and Joe were sick on Sunday so while the littles were sleeping the bigs and I were able to play a couple of rounds of games.  They always seem to love it so much.

November 19 - Today I am thankful for my perfect job - or more importantly the perfect geographic location of my job.  Since Hunter can wake at her leisure and walk into my office for a morning hug before venturing into the living room to watch cartoons with her older siblings.

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