Monday, November 25, 2013

Ooops - Missed a few days...

November 22 - Today I am thankful for a precious Thank You card that I got in the mail from Monica.  Our mailbox was filled with less than good news that day and I was super happy to get her card and remind myself how small and magnificent the world is.

November 23 - Today I am thankful for the hoar frost.  I never really knew what it was until this weekend but holy smokes it might be one of the most beautiful things in the world.  Just a blanket of white everywhere.

November 24 - Today I am thankful for warm fires, it has been cold and snowy here and we have been enjoying a fire in the living room and one in the garage pretty much every night.

November 25 - Today I am thankful for my washer and dryer, I do a minimum of a load of laundry a day and could not even fathom if I had to do that all by hand.  I have ran three loads today alone and I still have a couple that I would like to do if I get time.

Cute pictures...

The above mentioned hoar frost.  The pictures don't do it justice's just simply amazing.

Kuma and Austin are rarely not hanging out together.
 Here's the troops marching through the snow this afternoon.
 Look who's ears are starting to stand up!

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