Friday, November 8, 2013


November 8 - Today I am thankful that it is Friday.  Our society tends to make a big deal out of Fridays whether you like to or not...but for the first time in a long time Fridays mean that we don't have to rush to school and to the store and back to school.  So today I am thankful for a completely non rushed day, one that I think Austin who has been complaining about a headache all day truly needed.  I had forgotten about the impending sicknesses that were sure to happen by sending a kid to school, I suppose here we go...into winter/cold season.

1 comment:

Anne said...

Yes! Laura's been experiencing the same thing with MG in preschool which reminded me of experiencing the same thing when I started working the schools as a case manager years ago. Those kids are good germ carriers!!! Yay for Fridays!