Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Basketball Season

Last night marked our first official basketball practice. I cannot explain how excited I was, the squeak of shoes, the balls dribbling, the coaches (myself included) yelling "hustle" incessantly. It's going to be an amazing season. I found myself intimidated by their talent at first until I realized they needed to hear what they were doing right and what they could still work on. I came home with a giant smile on my face and asked everyone...when was the last time you were yelled at by a coach? Of course all of us said back in High School, which for our house was over 10 years ago minimum. And I just shook my head and said it was awesome to be back in a competitive gym where coaches are yelling. I loved coaching my boys for the last three years but when you are 12 years old you don't learn well when people are so hard on you, so I always took the intensity down a notch, but with these 11 girls...here we go. Girls crying, running out of the gym to throw up...yep basketball season is here and it feels great. I know I sound sick to those of you that haven't played, but I assure you basketball is 80% mental and the rest sweat. Nothing works better than to get them down as far as they will push themselves and show them they are still standing and better yet still standing as a team.


Anne said...

Sadly I was never good at basketball but that didn't stop me from loving to play the game! I'm looking forward to hearing about your season!

LauraSuz said...

I liked it when coaches would yell at me. I took it as they still cared about what talent I had and wanted me to improve. When they stop yelling at you is when you know they've given up.

Something Dad told me years ago. How'd he get so wise?

Lady Caitie in the Pretty City said...

what a great post! :) i can attest to the fact that laura did better when she was yelled at: she once scored like ALL the points in our bball game! they were all yelling FOR her then! :) can't wait to hear more! :)