Monday, June 4, 2018

Holy Deck Batman!

It's deck building time!  Boy am I lucky to have Joe in my life...I couldn't imagine having to hire these types of things out.  The labor costs would kill me.

Here's the start of the project.  You should just be able to go out to my OneDrive and look at all of those pictures.

Saturday's Progress -!Au3Zc4lt6QZ9qGeitGATrnfiApWU

Sunday's Progress!Au3Zc4lt6QZ9qH7qgwiF9A290tJm


Anne said...

That is so awesome! I just think it would feel so good to be able to build something like that yourself. I wish we were closer so Joe could teach Charles. :o( Next time you have a big building project I might have to fly him out!! ;o) He's getting old enough he might actually be some help.

Crystal said...

Shoot yeah...I am sure he would be a big help and would be another set of questions (rather than just our kids who stand directly under Joe's feet and ask him if something is heavy). :-D

Anne said...

Haha - that's true. The questions might get exhausting!