Monday, November 14, 2011

Look what we did this weekend!

Yep we decorated for Christmas! With Mexico this weekend and when we get back we head up to South Dakota to visit Derek and Rachel and their new little baby we knew we needed to get up the tree sooner than later, so we buckled in and put it up this weekend. :-)

J and I also made ornament frames, this is mine and while it's looks simple I can assure you that it took us about 5 hours to complete but was super fun! It's even supposed to be lit but the stupid lights have a short in them so they come on whenever they feel like it, although it does make that moment magical!


Anonymous said...

So Mom, are you going to put an electric fence around the Christmas tree? Now there is a baby magnet if ever....Murph

Anne said...

I love the picture frames! And of course the tree! I forget is that a real one?! So AWESOME! Way to make use of that high ceiling!!!

Anonymous said...

I love it too!!