Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Joe's Officialy Out-numbered

Austin's going to get a little sister in May, we found out yesterday at our appointment. Of course the best part about the whole ultrasound was to hear that she is absolutely perfect, I am 21 Weeks 3 Days and she measures exactly that. :-) Two arms, two legs a strong heart and straight spine.

Of course we have already gotten a lot of those "well but don't you want a boy, you know so you have one of each?". I guess I didn't realize we were collecting a set or anything, but on a more serious note...I never had a sister and would have killed for one. Not that Tadd and I aren't as close as two siblings could be but obviously our genders have prevented certain things in our lives from happening, i.e. we play a lot of basketball together but only pick up games and if we were the same sex we could have dominated out there together. He's still my favorite teammate and always will be but our jerseys never matched.

I am just super glad we were able to give her a sibling. We have a couple of friends that have only one child and when they come to parties and what not the poor kid(s) just hang out by themselves, so no matter the gender now Austin will officially have a partner in crime. Oh yeah and I can quit buying gender neutral like Joe asks, you thought things were pink before...ha ha ha you ain't seen nothing yet. :-)


Josh said...

Congratulations!! That's awesome Crys!

Poor Joe. :)

Anne said...

yay!!! Congrats! Can't wait to meet my newest niece!!!

LauraSuz said...

I'm so excited for this little girl! And so glad she's healthy.