Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The shop...

I am SOOOO proud of Joe. First off the shop looks great and he has worked so hard on it. Secondly, he has to work it all by himself since the whole partnership thing didn't work out. And last but not least we have hit several speed bumps along the way and he is conituing to work through them and keep a positive attitude. While I kind of feel like I am writing his end of the year reveiw I just can't get over how cool it is for him to own his own place like this. Here are some pictures of the shop and the AMAZING job he has done.

The proud shop owner himself!

Part of the waiting room.

The TV...of course every good shop needs a high def TV.

The massage chair, I haven't sat in it yet but I have heard that it's great.

The reception desk, custom built by Joe...you can see that it's not quite done yet but just about. He is going to faux stucco the rest of the plywood that you can see and stain the concrete counter top.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to be your first customer.......where's the line form? Will there be senior discounts or frequent flyer miles?
Do you need any baking recipes? Has anyone applied for Quality Control? What are you going to do with "out of date" product? Are there going to be give aways at your Grand Opening? Do you deliver? Will there be like tupper-ware parties? Help Me.........


Anonymous said...

J & C.....couldn't be more proud of you two...Dad
P.S.....Joe when you guys come back here be sure to bring your "re-finish the basement tools"...Your store looks FABULOUS!!!

Carole (Mom) said...

Ditto on what Dad said - what great work and I am proud of your positive attitude! love, Mom