Monday, July 27, 2009

Coffee on the patio

Here's a picture of Austin and I having coffee on the patio. :-)

I am trying to get better at not just taking the pictures but then posting them on some sort of internet site so everyone else can see her growing like a weed.


Anne said...

Crystal I wanted to ask you how much does she weigh now? She's two months tomorrow?! Wow.

Anne said...

PS - We sure do appreciate it when you post the pics!

LauraSuz said...

She's getting so big and as always cute cute cute!

Crystal said...

I know crazy huh Anne! I have no clue how much she's weighs. Joe and I do the whole weigh ourselves and then jump up on the scale with her too and see what changes but it's not accurate. So we will have to see at her two month appointment.