Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The belly

And here's the belly, not sure what's going on with our camera it's making spots show up. Probably got some dust in it...not sure how that would happen in a construction zone. He he he. But yep the belly is getting pretty darn big, I took this picture with my shirt down after all the stretch marks are kind of gross and someone reading could possibly be eating.


Anne said...

Definitely growing! She'll be here before we know it. I'm thinking about you guys all the time.

LauraSuz said...

Oh. My. Gosh. YOU ARE SO CUTE!!!!!!! I can't wait to meet the little girl inside of you!!!

Deb said...

I think that you have finally beat Joe! Is he jealous? Is she moving around alot?

Lady Caitie in the Pretty City said...

Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!! You are such a cute pregnant woman!!!! I love it! :)

Don't they usually say those spots in pictures are ghosts? Something you should look into before the baby.. LOL

Barb said...

The spots are probably little grandma saying "Emma...... name her Emma...." ...lol.... You look fabulous sweetie! I am so proud of you (didn't mean to creep anybody out with the ghost thing....)