Friday, October 31, 2014

And Joe takes the win.

Joe takes the win for today, he went into work extra early to get a jump start and then drove home to get ready to then attend Austin's Halloween party.

Our two Mini Mouse's!

Oh yeah and then since the teacher's voice was gone he read the story for story-time.  Yep took the win today for sure. :-)

Trying to do a better job...

So I am trying to do a better job keeping up on my blog (I promise) and with November starting I get to start my absolute favorite ode to blogging with my 30 days of thanks. :-)  Better get the typing fingers ready!

We are definitely starting to see the "fruits" of public school in Austin.  I am calling them fruits because truly the only reason we are sending her to school is to the learn the things we cannot teach or show her.  Keep in mind she far more advanced than her class thanks in part to me ordering the curriculum and just taking it over.  But we still wanted her to experience the world through kindergarten complete with all of its differences.  Literally though, wow, I would not have expected such hard questions so soon.  Since Joe and I can't possibly talk through everything before one of us is forced to answer from the pressure that only a five year can exert, we have both decided to err on the absolute truth so at least we can't be called liars even if Joe and I's perception is slightly different at least it was something that we both can defend.

We carved pumpkins last night and Joe allowed the girls to use permanent markers and knives (Mom stepped away as often as possible so as to not say 100 times "Please be careful").

Here they are cleaning them out themselves and then the finished product.  Joe attempted to cut out what they thought they were drawing and could not quite cut out themselves.  Their first master pieces. :-)

And I am not sure if I should love or hate our cat right now, she has brought us two snakes in the last week.  Not thrilled about that, on one hand she is a fearless snake hunter on the other hand I can't help but think that she is just pissing off the Momma snake that is going to come and get me.  Rock me to sleep.  And yes those are different snakes on different days.  Joe and the girls LOVE them and I encourage them to do so, since my fear is irrational and crippling.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Ahhh the belly

First and foremost I will never get the allure of selfies.  I find it hard to take pictures of yourself in a mirror without looking like a nitwit.  Secondly, here's the belly.  I don't think it's as big as the girls were but then again I was bigger back then too.  Maybe this little boy is having the time of his life eating the beer fat off me, or maybe there is something to be said about actually watching what you are eating while pregnant. ;-)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Holy Cow!

Holy Cow! Where did the summer go?!?!?!

Walking through the grocery store the other day looking at the Christmas candles on display it hit me.  We will have another child by the time I put up the tree.  What the hell?!?!?!  Where did the whole 9-10 months go?

I had my first biophysical profile appointment today, lucky for me and baby I just turned 35 which means that once a week we go in and have an ultrasound to measure movement, size and fluid.  Then we sit hooked up to a machine for 20 minutes looking for contractions and monitoring the baby's heartbeat.  Well, apparently there is a score that these tests then give the doctor.  We got an 8 out of 8 this morning so we just go back next Wednesday as usual.  6 of 8 and we would have to come back in two days. 4 of 8 we go immediately to the hospital for 24 hours of monitoring and 2 of 8 we deliver today.  Whoa!  Things could have been much more exciting this morning. As we stand now he is about 20 inches long and weighing in at 5 pounds 11 ounces.  At least he is pretty much out of the skeletor phase, I would be forever grateful for the NICU if we ever needed it but it sure would be scary.  When the doctor first mentioned these appointments I tried fighting them but the further along we get and the more panic sets in that I will go into labor with the girls at home by myself I decided to give in and just hope that they will tell me a little bit about how far out the due date is.

They did manage to snap a picture of the little guy's face this morning just so we could see.  I sure think he looks more DiFabio than Wells but we'll see.

Here's little Austin's face.

And Tyler's to compare.

A picture of just how much help I have on a daily basis to get my work done.  And my poor empty plant pots.  Apparently this new house does not have the same kind of sunlight because everything has died, I need to replace them with shade versions.

For the first time ever I am attempting to refinish some furniture.  This is the crib we used for Austin and Tyler that is made of nice wood that ol' Tyler AKA Bucky the Beaver chewed on.  So I decided to sand it and stain it.

Here it is after the final coat of stain on the first piece, I will take another picture when everything is done and put back together.